Thursday, November 4, 2010

Dear Gregory

I have posted this on FB before - just feeling a little nostalgic and wanted to share it again...

Some of you might ask why I walk; this is my explanation to Gregory...

You asked me earlier why I walk, and why so many kids have Autism and a bunch of your famous "Why?" questions. You asked me why a lot of people don't understand autism and why they are mean and stare. I told you I do it for you, but I want to explain more of why I do it for you.

I walk for you, Gregory Michael. I walk for the good times and the accomplishments that you have made, and I walk for the sad times and the hard times. I walk for the day we found out you had Autism, and the tears I shed, thinking who'd watch over you when you were grown and I was gone, and of course, the why me? why you? why our family? questions that filled my head. I walk and remember the Teachers and Speech therapists that have helped you be the young man that you are. I walk for all the joy of the milestones you have made (your first steps, your first words, your first everything). Your favorites and your love of certain things (your love for the outdoors, watching hunting and fishing shows with Daddy and Papaw especially Rob Trot, Babe Winkelman, Jimmy Gretzinger and Kelly Gotch, your love of staying at Garage Door Gramma's and Granny and Pap's, your love for your little brother, Eric), your need for the "whys" of the world to be answered. I walk for those big hazel eyes of yours that sparkle with joy every time you figure something out, and your mind and that heart of gold you have beating within you. I walk for the boy that I have always wanted and got the day you were born. I walk because I love you. I walk because I'm proud of you. I walk for you.

I walk in the hopes that the people that stare at you will be educated about Autism, and stop staring when you have a meltdown or are talking to yourself. I walk in the hopes that you will be allowed to grow up and be yourself without the ignorance and prejudice that surrounds people with not just Autism, but any disability. I'm sorry that there are people in the world that make you sad and make you feel bad because you are "different" (you are? really? I don't think so! I think you're AMAZING!!! And 1000% completely normal). I'm sorry there are people out there that are cruel with words and actions. I wish I could stop their words, actions and stares, and protect you from it, but I will be there every time you cry, with a hug and a kiss, and your little brother offering to have a word with them on why his brother is a great guy and why they are mean and why they shouldn't be messing with his big brother!

I walk because 1 in 94 boys are on the autism spectrum. I walk because 1 in 150 are affected by this disorder. I walk because a new case of autism is diagnosed every 20 minutes. I walk because there is no medical detection or cure for autism. I walk because autism costs the nation over $90 billion per year, a figure expected to double in the next 10 years. I walk because I NEED people to understand that this is not just going to go away.

I walk in the hopes that someday, no family will have to hear the words "Your Child Has Autism." And if they do, there will be so many options and answers that they will not feel alone. I walk for a cure. I walk for education. I walk for tolerance. I walk for understanding of Autism. But mainly, I walk for you. My Bubba. My light. My joy. My Son!

I love you for always! - MOM

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