Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Blogger Newbie

So - I think I'll start off as this sort of being an online diary; throwing in some comedy along the way.  Wait, this is my life, so there's apt to be quite a bit of comedy!

Today started out ordinary enough - Gregory up at 6AM with NO alarm clock (it kills me that he is so scheduled).  The alarm goes off and I hear grunting - little "uh's" and "oh's".  What the heck is that?!  I come around the corner to see Gregory laying on the living room floor watching "Priscilla's Yoga Stretches" on PBS and doing (or attempting to do) yoga.  SeRiOuSlY?   He is such a goof!  Then here comes Eric - not to be out done - lyes on the floor and throw his legs up and over his head and says "MOM - look at me too!"  Ay yi yi!!

Eric was a cling - on again this morning.  He is my velcro kid.  I know that he is fine once he gets into class, but it kills me when he does that.  It's like he's feeding on my guilt of going back to work.  Sneaky little booger.

Work was crazy busy.  I am a mad ironing fool trying to get the last of the Zulily order done.  Yes - we will be on this Friday, so if you ever wanted a cape - now's your chance for a great deal.  The problem is that we are making over 2000 cuffs and you can get about 100 (maybe) done in a hour.  Anyone want to come over tonight and help me iron?  Bring your iron and board!!

Sitting here and frustrated as all get out.  I can literally feel my hair turning GRAY!  And on a mini rant - I actually looked up how to spell gray... Seriously!!  Jeff is gone hunting for the week and I feel like I am drowning.  I can't seem to keep up with everything and it's making me feel like a failure.  And having to find a different place to stay until I get home is getting annoying to say the least!  By the time I got home it was after 6pm... and I've been fighting with the boys to finish their homework ever since.  FOCUS - What does that mean?!  Be careful - when you come into this house, all of a sudden you have the attention span of a gnat!!  AAHHHHRRRRGGGGGGAAAA!!!  <------  = really REALLY frustrated!  Mama needs a MARGARITA!!  I keep repeating my self and I swear if the neighbors can hear me, I'm really not this mean!  I think it just must be apart of the male gender to block out what a member of the opposite sex says.  ***Just FYI - "Grey is used primarily in areas that use UK English. Gray is used primarily in areas that use US English." 

1 comment:

  1. Love your first post. I too have a major battle EVERY day with my kids and homework. Your kids are super lucky to have you so many parents don't take the time to help them. Thanks for the info on Gray. I had no idea and I've totally looked up words before too! hehehe! :)
